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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

15 months

I was 15 months a month ago.
Mummy is quite lazy in updating my blog recently.
Mummy, buck up!

Last month, Daddy brought me to polyclinic for vaccination.
The last time I visited clinic was when I was 9 months old.

The nurse took the measurement of my weight and height.

Height: 78cm
Weight: 11.04 kg
Head Circumstance: 47.3 cm

Guess what, I am overweight! The nurse told Daddy not to give me any sweet and fried food.
Anyway I am not taken any of it.

And my head circumstance is a bit smaller in conjunction with my height. But still ok.

I was crying for a short while the nurse jabbed on me.

I has sleep through the night when I was 14 months, but after vaccination, I did not sleep well for 2 weeks, even no fever or rashes developed, I was feeling very uneasy and uncomfortable. Anyway, it is better than getting fever. I am a strong baby! Since born, other than minor coughing and flu, has yet falling sick. *touch wood*.

I will continue to grow healthy and strong.

My next vaccination will be on 18 months, most babies get fever after it, hope I will be fine.
God bless me!

1 comment:

greecebelle said...

h's now about the same weight as kyns, aigh...his is underweight..